Saturday, August 30, 2008

You Can Avoid Such Circumstances Through A Short Term Loan In The Form Of Any Of The No Faxing Payday Loans

Category: Finance.

Paperwork is necessary in most transactions of any sort but they can really slow down the process. Well, some financial lenders realize this urgency in borrowers and hence have made the facility of no faxing payday loans available to their clients.

When time is of crucial importance, like in the case when you need urgent loans to meet an emergency, you wish that you could simply do away with all the paperwork to make the process much faster. Often the financial emergencies occur when we are least prepared, like in between two consecutive paydays and our next salary cheque is still far off. When you opt for the no faxing payday loans, you can rest assured that the loan will be approved within 24 hours of your loan application and you can get instant cash transferred to your account. In circumstances like this, it is of immense benefit to have loans which do not require that you fax the lenders any documented proof of any kind. It may take around 2- 3 days in certain cases, depending on the, however loan amount, but even then it is a much faster process than most other traditional forms of loan. So find out all necessary information from the website, apply for the loan and get instant approvals all within a short duration that enables you to meet any financial emergency easily.

The application of no faxing payday loans is equally easy and convenient, as you simply need to fill an online application form on thewebsite, which offers all information on such loans for the benefit of the borrower. The convenience of the no faxing payday loans, which do not require the borrower to fax any documents of proof, have made it possible for every individual to make emergency payments even when they are low on funds in between paydays. The repayment of the payday loans are yet another convenient process, as in most cases the borrower simply needs to submit a post dated cheque to the lender at the time of loan approval. Also, since the loans are provided only for a short duration of few weeks, it does not require the borrower to be under the burden of debt for a long duration of time. Life usually comes to a standstill when you have run out of funds in between your paydays. You can avoid such circumstances through a short term loan in the form of any of the no faxing payday loans. However, there are certain essential and urgent payments which have to be made, no matter what your financial situation is and that is when the trouble starts.

As there are different loan plans available with the lending company, select a plan, hence that is best suited to your requirement and carry on with life. The instant loans will help you deal with any and every financial crisis that may have occurred and you can easily repay your loan once your next salary cheque has been credited on the next payday.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

By No Means Is Getting Out Of Debt Easy

Category: Finance.

The percentage of the population that is in debt is growing at an exceptional pace. It happens to us all.

For many individuals it s easy to get caught up in the credit card hysteria. We see things we like and buy them, on our credit cards of course. If you ve got over your head in credit card debt and would like to know how to get out of debt, we will show you. Those emotional purchases can add up, and before we know it we ve got a problem on our hands. If you re looking for an easy way out, don, however t bother reading on. It was certainly easy to spend the money, but paying it back is not so much fun. If you have been thinking to yourself, how to get out of debt, it s important to understand that it s no easy or simple task.

You need to start by cutting back on your spending. The surpluses that come from lower spending should be allocated towards paying off your credit cards. It sounds simple, but this is an important step in getting out of debt. Though it is important to set aside a small fund for emergencies. They will happen. Emergencies are inevitable. We typically reach for our credit cards in these circumstances.

With savings, you, however ll be prepared. That way you can focus on how to get out of debt, rather than how to not add to it. It s important that you re disciplined, only utilizing these funds in extreme emergencies. This assumes you don t spend any money on your credit cards, which isn t always realistic. It s easy to just make the minimum balance payments, but this barely keeps you even. It s important that you stop your credit card spending. Stop adding to the problem.

This is one of the best ways on how to get out of debt. Also, you ll be a little more frugal when you re spending your cash. It s important to understand that there is no easy way out. It doesn t always seem like your own money when you spend with plastic. Debt negotiation services are not necessarily the answer. They may settle your debt, but will do so at a cost. They re out to get paid.

The cost being your credit and excessive fees. Refinancing is a common instrument utilized to remove debt, but it is not at all the solution. It may involve hard work and focus, you will get, however things paid off over time. By refinancing your credit card debt s you re just playing a shell game, moving your debts from one location to another. As a result, foreclosure, bankruptcy, and IRS issues are now the problem. For many individuals that got caught up in this during the housing bubble are way above their heads. When you evaluate the two in hindsight, simple debt issues are a breeze to deal with.

It s paramount not to get carried away looking for the easiest way out. So, don t get your self over your head by looking for the easy way out. By no means is getting out of debt easy. But, bankruptcy and all the other bad things that can happen are much more severe, and goes to show how bad things can get. It takes time and some elbow grease. The morale of the story here is that there is no magic bullet, and your debt, no easy solution problem will not solve itself.

So, make an effort, you will be satisfied that you did. You ve got to take it into your own hands and make it happen, even if it takes the sacrifice you re unaccustomed to.


This Means That The Loan Application Is In Many Instances, Shortened Considerably - Finance Blog:

You ve had your eye on something for ages but you ve been wrestling with how to get the finance to afford to buy it, right?

But Underwriters And High Risk Merchant Account Providers Are Realistic - Finance Articles:

In the world of online sales, there are a lot of things written on the page but are left unread between the lines.

Stock Exchange Is Often Called The Most Important Element Of A Stock Market - Annmarie Bellman about Finance:

Stock exchange or bourse is a mutual organization which provides facilities for stock brokers and traders, in trading company stocks and other securities, and for the issue of redemption of securities and other financial tools and capital events like the payment of income and dividends. To be able to trade a security on a certain stock exchange, it has to be listed there.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Finding A Bankruptcy Lawyer Can Be Very Difficult And Time Consuming

Category: Finance.

Finding a bankruptcy lawyer can be very difficult and time consuming. A law forum that deals exclusively in bankruptcy and debt consolidation is better equipped to deal with both chapters 13 bankruptcy and chapter 7 bankruptcies.

Bankruptcy lawyers should offer a free initial consultation to evaluate the financial situation and offer legal advice on the best course of action. The yellow pages are a helpful source to find bankruptcy attorneys who are categorized by their field of specialization. Due to the duty of confidentiality, the lawyer cannot share information about their current or past clients unless permitted to do so. Another way to find a qualified bankruptcy lawyer is by referral from those who are more familiar with the field and other attorneys who might make some helpful recommendations. Talking to close and trusted family friends who can guide the right direction might be of great help. The attorney should be considerate about the client s problem and make him feel comfortable. This gives an insight into the lawyer s competence.

It is also necessary that the attorney is organized and punctual and work well together. While conversing with the lawyers, the client should find out how long he or she has been practicing the specifics of their specialization, number of cases handled by them approximately and expectation from the attorney in terms of representation. While the initial consultation is free, the client should honestly explain his or her situation to the lawyer and the lawyer should give a feed back on the situation and on the option thereon. Also, it should be ascertained whether the attorney will personally attend the case or pass it on to a junior lawyer or staff. Bankruptcy attorneys specialize in bankruptcy laws and provide legal methods to either wipe out debts by liquidating assets and distributing them among creditors or resolve them by developing a court approved reorganization plan. All such questions can be asked and the Attorney should make sure that the client is comfortable for appointing him or her as the bankruptcy lawyer. Bankruptcy lawyers explain the main purposes and application of bankruptcy laws and how they function to relieve the individual and business from indebtedness.

The lawyer should be kept informed of all the facts. A disclosure of all the financial affairs is extremely important in a bankruptcy setting. In the worst scenario, failing to disclose information to the court could be a crime. Bankruptcy lawyers usually specialize either as debtor s counsel or as creditor s counsel. Written documentation of debts and liabilities is important in bankruptcy setting. Debtor s counsel will usually charge a flat fee for a single bankruptcy.

For filing bankruptcy, hiring debtor s counsel will hopefully be a one- time experience; A lawyer may give alternatives as to what can be done and should discuss the possible consequences of each option. Creditor s counsel usually charges on an hourly basis. If the house is in foreclosure, the need to file a bankruptcy petition is imminent and therefore by the need of the meeting, there should be clear understanding of what has been accomplished.


Hiring The Wrong Company Could Lead To Devastating Results As If You Were Actually Doing The Trading On Your Own Without Any Training Or Assistance - Finance Articles:

Finding a good Forex online broker trading service can be an extremely difficult task, but is essential if you want to ensure that you make as much profit as possible from your trades. When looking for any firm to assist you with your Forex trading, you should be extremely diligent and carry out as much research as possible with regard to those you would like to handle your investment portfolio.

Don T Max Out Your Credit Cards - Marisa Olsson's Finance blog:

Over 30 million people in the U. A. have FICO credit scores low enough, that s less. than 640, to make shopping for low mortgage loan rates very difficult at. best.

Debt Consolidation - Finance Articles:


Saturday, August 23, 2008

If You Have Exported Your Goods On Credit, Then Your Local Export Factoring Company Will" Buy" Your Receivables Off You After You Have Dispatched The Goods To Your Customer

Category: Finance.

If you are an exporter of goods to other countries, then at some time or the other, you must have faced a cash crunch and wished that you had ready cash in hand, instead of having to wait for your customer s payments to arrive. Here s how.

Well, you now have a way of getting ready cash against your international invoices. Due to heavy competition, you could have been forced to offer credit to your customers. They will send these receivables to an import factoring company situated in the same country as your customer, who will then do the follow up in getting your payment released on the due date. If you have exported your goods on credit, then your local export factoring company will" buy" your receivables off you after you have dispatched the goods to your customer. So, in international factoring, two factoring companies are normally involved. The balance will be transferred to your account, once your customer has released the payment on the due date.

You will get around 90% of your invoice amount immediately within a few days, which will be wired to your account by your factoring company. This last payment will be minus the factoring company s charges for providing you this service, which is normally 5% to 4% of the total invoice value. These factoring companies can also take care of your collection of payments from your customers. This percentage of charges will depend on the credit period you have given to your customer, the credit rating of your customer as decided by your factoring company, and the total amount of business, which you provide, value wise to your factoring company. This can be a boon for you, since you can now concentrate more on sales rather than worry about collections. The advantages of international factoring are that your cash flow improves immediately, enabling you to pay off immediate expenses like staff salaries, etc and also, bulk purchases eliminates the need to maintain an international collection department.

The factoring company will send you regular updates of the receivable reports of your customers, enabling you to have an accurate status of your financial side of your business. This facility also gives you a chance to expand your business by taking on more exports to different countries, where your factoring company has tie- ups. You would have to pay interest on that loan in any case. This facility is also convenient rather than taking a bank loan, which would normally require guarantors, collateral and intensive documentation. International factoring is more like an extension of your current business, as it takes care of your payment collection as well as provides you with ready cash. There should also, not be any quality problems with regards the goods, which you have exported. You should note that these services of an international factoring company are slightly expensive, since two factoring companies are involved.

You will also have to commit a minimum amount of business to your factoring company. Your factoring company might also ask for collateral from your customers as a guarantee against bad debt, which your customers might be averse to giving. Since your factoring company might take over your collections side and even take care of your bad debts, there could be some friction between you and your customers. So, after studying the above points, you too can go in for international factoring of your invoices, to put your business on the fast track.


Signals Are The Indications Of Market Conditions - Debora Booze about Finance:

Signals are the indications of market conditions. Obviously the market would fluctuate with each passing day.

If You Are Eligible, You Can Choose From A MasterCard, Visa Or Other Major" Brand. " How Unsecured Credit Cards Work - Finance Articles:

If you have bad credit, then you should know you can use unsecured credit cards to help rebuild your creditworthiness.

Dies Wollen Wir Uns Nicht Eingestehen - Finance Articles:

Im t�glichen Umgang mit Anlegern kommt ein Problem immer wieder zur Sprache: Die teilweise gro�en Schwankungen an der B�rse und der damit verbundene richtige Umgang mit Verlusten.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Save Money When Online Shopping

Category: Finance.

Save Money When Online Shopping. You re all excited about bringing them home and wrapping them for your friends and family.

It s Christmas time once again and you have your list of gifts ready to go. At least, you were until you went to the mall, stood in line to check- out for two hours, and collapsed on your couch exhausted and not even half- way done. How on Earth are you going to remain sane and get your shopping done? Suddenly you find yourself really hating this time of year and you cringe at the idea of going shopping at Wal- Mart at midnight just to avoid the rush. Welcome to the Internet and the world of online shopping. You ve even save gas too. While some people may really cringe about giving out their credit or debit cards online, with a little bit of foreknowledge about what safety precautions to look for, you can be done with your Christmas shopping- or any shopping for that matter- in a fraction of the time it takes you to drive around town.

With the predominance of the Internet in almost every home, you can find just about any popular and major chain store with a web presence. They usually offer a variety payment methods, and reasonable shipping, discounts rates. Shops like Kohl s, Macy s, and Wal- Mart all have websites available where you can find everything that is offered in the store, and probably some stuff that s not. Think about how nice it would be to sit in your pajamas and fuzzy slippers sipping lattes while you shop. Safe shopping online is done by people everyday. Sounds nice, doesn t it?

The biggest thing you need to look for when shopping online is a very simple little letter in the website s URL. Why? You need to look for the letter S . This letter in the beginning of the URL signifies that site is secure and that a safety measure is in place to keep anyone from stealing your personal information. You see the s at the end of http ? A safe website will have a URL that looks something like this: https: //www. sample. com. That s what you want to watch out for as well as things that say Verisign or something similar since there are a few different safety nets out there.

Other options for online shopping include auction sites, such as EBay and Bidz. com. These are all indications that the site is safe. Both of these sites use encrypted coding to protect their customers personal information. Shopping any time of year does not have to be a headache, especially at Christmas. Bidding on an auction is really exciting and if you are the lucky winner, you could very well have purchased the item for more than half of what you would ve paid for it outright. By remembering what to look for on the Internet to assure that you are shopping on a secure and safe site, remember to look for the s or things such as the Verisign logo. If the site you re on has these, then shop in confidence knowing that your personal information is safe and no one cares that you still have the curlers in your hair.


Finance Lease Agreement - Finance Articles:

In the context of finance, an asset is any material owned by an individual or a company, which has a cash value.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sub Prime Mortgages- The Disadvantages

Category: Finance.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Even though there have been major changes in the lending market, it s still possible to get a loan regardless of your credit situation. Even if you re currently stigmatized by bad credit, it doesn t mean you can t get a home mortgage refinance. If you have a credit score under 620, you re probably looking at dealing with the sub prime market. However, sub prime loans still do exist just not as easy to qualify for as they were even six months to a year ago. The sub prime market has been rocked in 2007 with tons of news of lenders going out of business or scaling back their lending operations significantly. Sub Prime Mortgages- The Disadvantages. There is a cost to everything in life, and sub prime loans have some gotchas that you should be aware of.

Getting a sub prime loan isn t without it s disadvantages. A main problem with sub prime loans is that many of them are adjustable, with higher rates of interest. Part of the sub prime debacle of 2007 has been these adjustable rate mortgages. So, you could get in with a decent interest rate, just half a percent or so above normal prime rates, but find yourself in six months with a rate 3- 4% above what you would pay with good credit. After a few adjustments in the rate, many homeowners are faced with payments hundreds and hundreds of dollars above what they originally paid. Prepayment penalties are one of the other disadvantages of sub prime mortgages. These homeowners increasingly find it difficult to keep their mortgages current.

You ll find that many sub prime mortgages have a prepayment penalty. These disadvantages of sub prime loans are serious, so you might want to consider trying to qualify for an FHA mortgage. Which means that if you sell your home or refinance within the prepayment penalty period, you are stuck paying a large fee, up to 4% of the value of your mortgage. This is a popular choice for borrowers with credit problems. Many lenders have been moving more towards FHA mortgages, as there are some interesting proposals currently being discussed in Congress specifically to make these mortgages more affordable and easier to qualify for. It offers an affordable mortgage without the disadvantages of typical sub prime mortgages. Ultimately the best choice would be to work on your credit and get your credit score above 620 so that you can qualify for a prime mortgage, and not be faced with such difficult decisions.


What Is Loan Insurance - Annette Mckennon's Finance blog:

When you take out a loan, it is likely that you will be offered loan insurance to protect your payments should you be unable to keep up with them due to illness or unemployment.

Here Are Some Tips On How And Why You Should Use Credit Cards On Your Web Site - Callie Giannone about Finance:

If you have a web site that you use for business, then you should think about setting up your site to allow people to pay for things using a credit card.

This Means That You Could Potentially Waste Time And Effort Applying For Unsecured Loans For Tenants And Tenant Loans To Lenders That May Not Be Able To Help - Eliza Roosa about Finance:

Unsecured loans for tenants and tenant loans are comparatively common in today s busy credit marketplace and to accommodate the demand, there are many more opportunities to place your loan application than in the past.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh, And You Lose On This Trade

Category: Finance.

This is the first in a series of insights into trading the forex markets successfully. We ll start with the top three with the rest detailed in the rest of this series. 1 Commission Free Trading.

We have ten keys to trading success that all new forex traders and certainly many experienced forex traders need to learn and need to know. This was the initial sales pitch most brokers used and many still do. "You ll trade for free- no commissions! " Well, any of us who trade actively know commissions add up to some ungodly amounts- many times you look at your annual statements if you trade actively and it s not uncommon that your broker makes more, than you do, maybe much more in your trading profits. Sure, there is usually not an" add- on" commission. Forex trading is not commission free. However, they force you to pay a spread on every trade. This is not the case in stocks, or futures or really any other market. You have to always buy at the ask and always sell at the bid.

This forced spread on every trade is a commission. Despite what the broker might claim. That s what it is. And that forced spread is not cheap. 3 pips is$ 30 on a just one full sized pair. Now, compare that to your average futures or stock trade. Try$ 50 on a 5 pip spread you still see as commonplace. Which is more?

Now, let s not leave it at that. Forex usually by far. Remember, you get some amazing leverage opportunities with Forex so the actual commission compared to the dollar volume you are able to trade is actually reasonable in some cases- assuming you trade at the right places and follow the right strategies. No, Wait! We ll cover that below. 1 100: 1 Leverage. How about 200: .or 400: 1?

With that kind of leverage you make just a few pips per days and you ll spend as much time with your banker as you do with your significant other, right? You re going to be rich! You look at the end of month totals from your strategy, run it through your state of the art Leverage Calculator and instantly you are making 100% , 300% or 500% per month. This is another one of those broker come- ons. Do that a few months, a bit of compounding and you ll be buying that private island after all. It just doesn t work this way.

The brokers are going to allow it so I m not saying it isn t as advertised. Yes, you can get this leverage. However, you are guaranteed to wipe out using it. There simply is no way you can trade at these leverage levels and make it. Guaranteed. Not unless you are some trading genius who can take a trade and never lose. For the rest of us, you are going to lose.

If you are- please contact me at once! You are going to lose more than once. It s the nature of trading. You are going to have some losing streaks. It s not a big deal, especially if you can win more than you lose, and if your average win is greater than your average loss. Don t get hung up on it.

You do that and who cares about some losses. However, you will care very much if you over- leverage. This is the single, greatest mistake most new Forex traders make. Do not over- leverage! Your state of the art trading calculator spits out numbers that are too great to pass up and you let greed get in the way of logic. You have a trade where you are targeting 25 pips and risking 25 pips. Think about it this way. 200: 1 leverage.

As you ll learn below, that trade actually has to go 28 pips or more to hit your target of 25 pips and you ll actually be risking 28 pips or more- but for this example we won t get hung up on that. You have a$ 5, 000 account and trade it with 200: 1 leverage. We ll solve that later. That means you can trade 1, 000 worth of, 000 currency( you can see why we said spreads above are a significant cost but with leverage can end up being a small percentage of cost) - and that means 10 full sized pairs. Let s do the math. 10 pairs x 25 pips= 250 pip loss. Oh, and you lose on this trade. Make that with spread 10 pairs x 28 pips= 280 pips loss x$ 10/ pip= $2800 loss.

You ve just lost over 50% of your account. Oops. Don t even think about what would have happened if you were risking more- and these days on the Forex, good luck risking much less. Sure, if you win you make a great return, but you are completely counting on virtually never losing. If you lose twice in a row- which happens all the time- you ve just wiped out. Even if you get a few wins immediately, you ll eventually wipe out.

They try a few hands, they get sucked, they win in, and then before they know it they are at their ATM machine looking for their mortgage money to try and get back that winning feeling. It s what happens to the new gambler in Las Vegas. You ll have success trading with huge leverage. It will be great and you ll brag to your friends how you made 50% that afternoon. Some of the time. Then, a few days later you ll be asking them to pick up the lunch tab. Do not use crazy leverage.

Do not use crazy leverage. Do not use. ok, you get the idea. And calculate that amount to determine what size you can trade based upon the risk per trade. Decide on a fixed percentage you are going to risk on your account on any one trade. 5% ? 10% ? It will still be great leverage- Forex provides that. It blows away the stock market but it s not going to wipe you out in a couple of trades. 1 Spreads. What s wrong with 5: 1 leverage or 10: 1 leverage?

Find a broker that does not charge high spreads. But realize these brokers make money many different ways. Sure, you need a broker who provides a stable platform, which provides good customer service, which is regulated( important! ), that has account insurance/ guarantees, and so on. They make spread money, they make money by laying off orders on other banks, they make money on stop running. Guess it s too late to take it back. Did I say that?

There is simply no reason to pay more than 3 pips on the EURUSD. On the GBPUSD and USDCHF why are you paying 5 pips? And really, you should be paying 2 pips. Sorry, it s not going to a charitable cause- your broker s bank account isn t a non- profit. You should pay 3, maybe 4 at most on the other majors. Those spreads are crazy. There are new trading platforms coming out in recent months, some based upon the" Currenex" platform that basically takes your orders direct to the" real" trading market and your broker only takes a small commission on the trade, closer to the model we see in stocks and futures.

Look for this. Or they are mimicking the Currenex platform and developing on that works similar. It is important to have liquidity and low costs. And stay away unless spread is 2 or 3 pips, maybe That s already more than enough to trade so why do you need to trade the GBPCHF for 15 pips spread? And forget about all the" exotics" - avoid trading anything that is not amongst the main pairs- EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDCAD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, EURJPY and maybe EURGBP. Unless you really like to make car payments and pay for rounds of golf for your broker.

The rest of this important top 10 with critical insight into ensuring your forex trading success can be found here: http: //www. netpicks. com/ BetterTrading. html If you do see a compelling reason to trade, the GBPJPY, for example- and there are some great moves there- just be sure you are building the spread costs into your trading outcomes- you might need it to go 7 to 10 pips just to get break- even, let alone to start making a profit.


There Could Be Some Exclusion Dates In The Policy Which You Will Need To Be Aware Of - Bernadine Sale's Finance blog:

There are many reasons why a person would set out on getting a health insurance policy. It may take time to find a job that provides health insurance as one of the perks.

Make A Plan- A Budget Is A Money Plan - Finance Articles:

The" B" word sends a shudder down the spine of many people.

A Manufactured Home Is Your Home - Laurie Pinkley's Finance blog:

There is a lot of misunderstanding about getting manufactured or mobile home insurance. But the truth is, a lot of home insurance companies now offer insurance coverage for your mobile home.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The QQQQ S Make This So Easy To Do

Category: Finance.

Dear Traders and Friends: Lately I have had many students ask me about the QQQQ s- so much that it merits a rewrite.

Taking the time to learn this EXCHANGE TRADED FUND( ETF) could put fun, fast cash into your pockets. The QQQQ is an incredible choice for making money in today s market. Don t let the fact that it is called an ETF scare you away. I missed making hundreds of thousands of dollars on this Powerful- Profitable- Cash- Cow because I feared it was complicated. It is very simple to play. Just remember what FEAR really means FALSE EXPECTATIONS APPEARING REAL!

All you need to do is ignore that it is an ETF or that it has 100 stocks in it. The QQQQ owns all of the NASDAQ 100 stocks, but don t let that concern you either- this is a really good thing. Just pretend it is a normal stock. The benefits to trading the QQQQ s are many. Draw support and resistance lines as usual and then play it accordingly. You are not stuck in sharp unpredictable movements of ONE STOCK. This can be so much safer and predictable than a single stock.

Instead, you are trading a directional move of the NASDAQ market itself. The QQQQ s have strike prices every$ The power of that is you can buy very inexpensive in- the- money options! It is not uncommon to see 50, 000 in open interest on a give strike price. The open interest is very high. This is powerful, as it amounts to the market makers being incredibly kind and not needing to steal extra money from us by using large bid x ask spreads. What is a minimum spread?

Instead they often are at the minimum spread. When we switched from fractions to decimals awhile back, the market makers wanted to make sure they could still make money buying and selling, so they created minimum spreads requirements between the bid and ask prices of options: Options priced under$ 3 have 5 cent minimum incremental bid x ask spreads. The nice thing about trading the QQQQ is it is rare that the market makers charge more than the minimum spread, and if they do it seems easy to get filled in the spread. Options priced over$ 3 have 10 cent minimum incremental bid x ask spreads. Since the spread must be covered in order to profit on a trade, trading the QQQQ works for me! You may have heard me say, as MSFT goes so goes the Q s( nickname for QQQQ) .

Here are the top 10 heavy weights in the QQQQ: MSFT= 118% INTC= 17% CSCO= 56% AMGN= 18% QCOM= 62% DELL= 18% CMCSA= 05% ORCL= 84% EBAY= 66% 1IACI= 59% Most of the other 90 stocks are under 1% in weight- so I tend to use this list above as the stocks that most likely will effect the movement of the QQQQ. It is obvious since MSFT is so heavily weighted in the number one position that it will often have a significant effect in the movement of the Q s. The incredible hidden secret about the QQQQ is that they only need small moves to make great money. Again, just pretend the Q s are a stock and play support and resistance as usual. Most people do not consider playing the Q s because they think they do not move fast or far enough what a critical error in judgment! Here is why this is so powerful" If one wants to buy call options, thinking that the QQQQ s are going up, to get a short- term option for a full month. If you look at an option chain on the Q s it is exciting- there are strike prices every one dollar!

Given the stock price is currently$ 360 the September$ 30 call is only$ 40 with a delta of. 74 and open interest of over 71, 000! That is a low cost for an option with such high a delta. If you were to just take this stock play to profit from a 50 cent upward direction you should be able to make$ 400 on a$ 2, 350 cost on 10 contracts in perhaps a day. If you did 20 contracts that is$ 800 profit, but 100 contracts is$ 4, 000! Wow, some people could make in one day trading the Q s more than they make at a job of 40 days! To put$ 20, 350 into 100 contracts and make$ 4, 000 in a day is sweet. Do you see the power of this!

They don t have to play games manipulating prices or manipulating us! The open interest is so high that the market makers are doing the minimum spread here- 5 cents. It is really WIN- WIN for both of us. Take the time to practice the Q s right away! It is so nice not to have to deal with what I call THEFT MODE- market makers charging too much to buy or sell an option because of large bid x ask spreads. It could pay off big time.

Take small profits, within a few days and go SHOPPING! Just practice buying calls one month out at support and puts at resistance. Today the front month( next expiration date) option is the August expiration date, so I would do the next month out- the September options. Look for a delta of. 70 or higher for calls and- .70 or higher for puts to be able to jump in and get out fast for quick cash. I want one full month minimum in my option- but I personally usually don t trade further out than that. Open interest of 100 contracts or more is my criteria.

The QQQQ s make this so easy to do! Get a different option if this rule cannot be met. I hope to see you at one of my live classes soon- find out why I am hailed the" BEST COVERED CALL WRITER IN AMERICA" ! Don t let the word LEAPS fool you, everything I teach can be done on stocks, but I can t promise you will ever want to trade stocks again after taking my class! !! It is time to put the profits in your account, as I share every secret I know in my two day class called LIFESTYLE TRADING WITH LEAPS coming soon to a major city near you. Darlene Nelson with BetterTrades


When Applying For Unsecured Loans And Tenant Loans, You Should Always Be Honest About Your Credit History - Finance Articles:

If you re thinking of buying a new car then you re probably also thinking of how best to finance the deal, right?

Volkswagen Loan - Finance Blog:

It always pays to do a little research.

Also Note That The ACRX Cards Will Come To Your Organization Already Pre- Activated - Finance Articles:

Charles Myrick the President of American Consultants Rx announced the re- release of the American Consultants Rx community service project where over 20 million ACRX discount prescription cards were donated throughout the country. The cards are to be donated to anyone in need of help.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Category: Finance.

If you are a merchant with an existing echeck processing service, you learn that receiving paper check payments is a breeze.

In a matter of days, you will soon have the full check amount deposited in your account. Just convert the checks to electronic form and then click" Send" . Under ideal condition, of course. But wait. Meaning, the customer transacts honest business with you and has adequate funds in his checking account. What if the check contains no sufficient fund, or that it is a fraudulent one?

Some are done inadvertently because sometimes the check writer does not know his or her checks no longer have sufficient funds. These things happen daily in the business world, you know. Others are perpetuated by deceitful customers. Protect yourself against such unlikely events by subscribing to additional echeck services. You will incur losses if you are not alert to these unfortunate incidents. These are: )CHECK VERIFICATION. Unknown to you, this particular customer has a history of issuing bad checks.

A customer walks in to your store, and then issues, selects items a check as payment for his purchases. If you don t have check verification service, you would have gladly accepted the check and incur losses. You can then act accordingly based on that alert message. But with check verification service, you run the check into your POS terminal and, in a matter of seconds, you will receive a warning message that this particular checking account has been placed on a red status. Check verification service is basically running a check against a nationwide database of checking accounts. For a very minimal fee, check guarantee is a service where the checks you received are checked against a negative database and thus protect you, against bad and, in real time fraudulent checks. It scans checking accounts and gives warning message against customers that have issued bad checks in the past. )CHECK GUARANTEE.

It offers an extra layer of protection for the merchants. )CHECK COLLECTION. Suppose you have a customer who issues a check payment for you. This is another type of useful echeck processing service. At the moment of writing that check, the customer has enough funds in his checking account. In other words, the check bounces. But when the bank tries to debit the amount, his checking account no longer has sufficient funds. If you have check collection service, the bank will forward the bounced check to your processor.

If you receive any bad checks, your bank will send them to your processor. The processor, will send it, in turn to the collection team who will personally get in touch with the issuer through mails or telephone calls to collect the face amount of the check for you. )CHECK RE- PRESENTMENT. Your echeck processing company will present the check again for two times, or re- present them, to the Automated Clearing House until you get the payment. Merchants will surely gain a lot by subscribing to these extra echeck processing services. The amount is credited to your bank account.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thus It Is The Best Way Of Getting Out Of Debts

Category: Finance.

A person opts for a loan when he doesn t have sufficient finances to meet his necessities. Over a period of time if the debts are not repaid it leads to the accumulation of debts.

There are a number of people who are poor at handling the finances. To avoid such a situation one should always repay any loans taken on time. One should try to avoid such a situation, but if one is already going through such a situation the best way out is the debt consolidation loan. If calculated properly one would get to know the high rates of interest and the huge late payment fees that are associated with any loan amount. If a person accumulates a huge amount of debt, then he is required to pay the debts at a very high rate of interest. The bill amount keeps appreciating due to the heavy interest that is levied on it and finally a financial crisis is reached.

Most people keep accumulating the debts by not paying the bills at the right time. Thus to help such people get over the debts, the financial institutions have introduced the new loan schemes known as the debt consolidation loan. The debt consolidation is very important because if the debt amount is not repaid on time the amount of debt keeps increasing and a person is never able to repay back the debt. The main advantage of the debt consolidation loan is the low rate of interest that is charged as compared to the very high interest that a borrower is required to pay at the huge debts. There are various debt consolidation plans that have been introduced lately to help people recover from the bad credit. Every financial institution enquires about the credit history of a person before lending the money.

The main problem with bad credit is that a person carrying a bad credit history is never allowed to take a loan. Under these conditions an individual should think over the debt consolidation. The best way to get over the debt is to raise money to consolidate it. Debt consolidation includes the techniques to get rid of the debts accumulated over the number off years. Also the earnings are considered for deciding the loan amount that can be issued to a person. The debt consolidation is the only solution to help you recover from the accumulated debts. Thus one can never get any loan unless the debts are consolidated.

One must try to repay the debts as soon as possible by opting for the debt consolidation plans. Generally the outstanding debts are charged heavy interests and also a huge amount of late payment fess is added, thus by opting for the loans which are provided at a lower rate of interest one can save some money. It might sound silly if a person takes a loan to pay of the previous payments, but a profound thinking would lead to the truth. Thus it is the best way of getting out of debts.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

This Has Often Resulted In An Adverse Effect On Education, And Ultimately Produces Lower Class Degrees In More Than Capable Students

Category: Finance.

Paying your way through your studies is often a difficult task, particularly with the burden of studying and teaching- contact students bear during their schooling( which makes an employment of any value particularly hard to hold down) . But how else can you fund your education as a student, particularly if your family is of a lower income and are unable to support you financially through your four or five years at University?

For this reason, students can often find themselves lost when it comes to funding their degree- overdrafts and student loans appear to be the order of the day. The first major source of funding for education is the student loan. The student loan, can often be, as lending goes one of the lowest cost loans anyone can obtain, making it attractive for students when available. Student loans are traditionally the most readily available, low cost source of funding for those looking to finance their education. Alternatively, many students may have access to bursaries and student grants, designed for specific financial needs such as books or travel. Traditionally, students have been forced to work long hours in multiple jobs in order to meet the financial requirements of education.

These can often be quite considerable, and thus it is worthwhile investigating the options available depending on your personal circumstances. This has often resulted in an adverse effect on education, and ultimately produces lower class degrees in more than capable students. By working online, students can fit employment around their studies in a more flexible environment, whilst also earning money from more enjoyable and lucrative work in the process. An emerging way around this is through Internet employment, with numerous job opportunities and freelance work available online. The Internet has a growing economy providing employment and wealth for those savvy enough to seize it. A combination of offline and online employment for students can help ease the time burden whilst allowing flexibility of study- vital in ensuring the student can make the most of his degree.

The flexibility and availability of finance in areas traditionally suited for students, allows those net, such as copywriting- conscious students to find enjoyable and profitable employment. Combine that with funding from loans and grants, and you may be able to finance your way through University. Coming up with the thousands required to last even a single year can often be impossible, and many students simply don' t have access to that amount of money. Finding the finances to support yourself through University can often be one of the most daunting, and difficult tasks for any budding student. However, by implementing a few of these proven strategies for sourcing or earning money, you can help pay your way and ensure you keep your head above water during the most financially- tight years of your life. However, through ensuring you have access to these available funding sources, you should find the ability to pay your way when you need it most.

Funding education shouldn' t be a barrier to learning, it is, but factually.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Property Pricing Can Become An Obsession For Those Who Are Considering Getting Into The Market

Property pricing can become an obsession for those who are considering getting into the market. While there's no harm in keeping an eye on the current prices as it will always be helpful to get into the market by getting a bargain, it's also important to remember that you intend to get into this game for the longer- term and as a result short- term fluctuations are not so important.

Everybody is looking for a way to try to gage whether prices will go up or down by a percentage point or two over a short period of time when they' re looking to buy. What is vital is that you get into the market at a level that you will be able to find sustainable for the long haul. If you were to buy a house on the very day that a crash happens where you just paid the absolute maximum possible price for the property and within hours the bubble is burst and the price of your property is halved. Let's take a quite extreme example of this. Most people would consider this to be an absolute disaster and in a sense they would be correct but let's take this scenario and look at it from another side to get from point of view. If you bought your house in such a way that you will be able to keep up the repayments even if you' re dealing in a scenario of negative equity then you will be able to keep the house. Okay, so you just paid far too much but still one simple truth remains.

So, if you can continue to make the repayments even though you bought in the worst possible market conditions over the longer- term you would still be proved right. The whole secret of any property investment is to always keep the figures in line, not overextend yourself and then you will be able to stay in the market no matter what happens in the short- term even if you bought a house in this worst possible case scenario. What we have outlined here is an extreme scenario but at the same time some people have been unlucky enough to find themselves in this type of situation. Once you are stable enough to keep the house then 25 or 30 years later you will still be far ahead of the game. If you follow this one golden rule then essentially the market can do whatever it likes and can fluctuate in whatever fashion without it having any long- term detrimental effect on your investment as there is virtually nothing surer than that the market will eventually go back up and if you have been able to afford to stay in the game in the meantime then you will be a winner no matter what. The number one most important factor in buying property is buying what you can afford and keeping your mortgage repayments at a level that you will be able to afford to keep up.

By keeping this in mind, you can almost invariably be successful in the long- term which should be the main goal in the first place.